November 2020

What a major setback!

We had prepared so well for the opening of the remaining school classes on August 3rd, but on Friday not only was the lockdown extended, but also the nationwide closure of all schools for the next four weeks! Our offer to do distance learning for the children here remains of course, but many parents feel insecure due to the continuous new regulations and prefer to have their children with them…

A light at the end of the tunnel! On the 7th of September schools started to reopen gradually. First of all, the “big ones” from the 7th grade were allowed to come back. All school classes are now running, but the OPS is currently closed for several days because two students tested positive and the premises have to be disinfected. This happens again and again across the country, but since the number of infections is generally falling, we look forward with confidence…

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June 2020

In all Namibian schools it’s compulsory to wear a school uniform. These uniforms differ from school to school. At the beginning of this schoolyear Omaruru Primary School changed its school uniform and all of the girls needed to get a new one which had to be sewn…..After many fittings you can see the result on the pictures.

Also in Namibia life changed fundamentally due to Covid 19. After the first case occured on 16th of March all schools were closed respectively winter holidays were advanced. All children had to go back to their families. On 28th of March a national lockdown was proclaimed which included travel restrictions and was extended to the 5th of May. Officially schools re-opened on the 20th of April – but this only means that teachers had to prepare a programm for „e-learning“ and „distance learning“. On the 5th of May Namibia entered the 2nd phase of Lockdown; this mainly means the cancellation of travel restrictions inland and the permission to re-open different businesses. Schools remain closed and students should study by distance learning. As there is a great financial pressure in many families due to the loss of income and the conditions for regular lessons are not always given, we offered to admit the children in need and to teach them here. Half of the children are now back in Siama….. 

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